Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions With Composite Bonding

Posted on: October 3, 2023

Cosmetic Dentist Long Branch, NJ

Cosmetic dentistry can be an important part of helping you feel more confident and have a healthier smile, but not all dentistry procedures are the same. Composite bonding is one popular dental procedure that's often used in dentistry. It allows the dentist to restore teeth in several different ways depending on the patient's individual needs and preferences. If you're interested in learning more about this procedure and how it can help you achieve the smile you want, here are common uses of composite bonding that many patients find beneficial to their oral health and well-being.

What is composite bonding?

Many people know about porcelain veneers and teeth whitening when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. However, one of the most common procedures is a dental procedure known as composite bonding. This is especially popular for patients who have minor defects in their smile that don't warrant major dentistry procedures. We can use composite bonding to fill in small chips or gaps, cover worn enamel or discolored teeth, and more.

Not only can composite bonding fill in some of these defects, but it can also be used to change or adjust a patient's smile. Many people choose to have their smile brightened with composite bonding, but it's also common for adults to use it for cosmetic purposes.

Why would I need composite bonding?

In cosmetic dentistry solutions, composite bonding is a proven method. It works very well for people with chipped or damaged teeth, replacing lost fillings and improving smile aesthetics in many other situations.

Composite bonding is an excellent solution for chipped or damaged teeth in many cases. But it also works well in other situations. If you are missing a filling from your last dental visit, a dental composite can be used to fill it in as if nothing had ever happened. People who have overly sensitive teeth may find that bonding material is more comfortable than others.

How is the procedure performed?

Dental composite bonding is a safe, effective way to correct problems with teeth. During your first visit, the dentist will ensure that you're a good candidate for composite bonding and discuss any concerns you might have with its use. They'll also educate you on your options so that you can make an informed decision about how best to proceed with restoring damaged or decayed teeth. Next, a mold of your tooth will be made using putty-like material.

Before treatment begins, your dentist will apply a gel to numb your gums. This is an important step because it will prevent you from feeling any discomfort during or after treatment. When bonding is performed on several teeth at once, some patients may require a local anesthetic to ensure maximum comfort throughout treatment.

A thin layer of composite material will be carefully applied to your tooth, and then a special ultraviolet light will be used to harden it. Your dentist may choose to apply several coats of composite material, depending on how much tooth restoration is required. Once everything has been finished, you'll need to wait before eating anything too sticky or chewy so that you don't damage your newly restored teeth (like cake or candy).

Schedule an appointment with your dentist

Composite bonding can help your smile regain it's luster and strength. Call your dentist to schedule an appointment today. You deserve a healthy smile for years to come. 

Request an appointment here: or call Garden State Healthy Smiles PC at (732) 504-6914 for an appointment in our Long Branch office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Cosmetic Dentistry in Long Branch, NJ.

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