In our Long Branch dental office, we can provide you with dental restorations to restore the form and function of your tooth. Dental fillings are one of our more common restorative solutions. While people generally do not associate fillings with restorations, that is exactly what they are. We typically place fillings when a patient has a cavity.

In this scenario, we need to remove the decayed portion of the tooth to prevent the decay does not spread and form a larger infection. Once we remove the decay, the tooth structure will no longer be intact and leaving it that way can cause significant discomfort and irritation. To solve this problem, we place dental fillings.

Dental Fillings

In the past, dental fillings consisted of amalgam. While this is an effective solution, they stand out and make it impossible not to notice the dental work. Now, we offer tooth-colored dental fillings that can blend in with the natural tooth structure for a beautiful appearance.

In other words, patients can have a cavity, get it fixed, and no one will ever notice. If a patient wants a smile to appear entirely healthy, regardless of previous oral health issues, this is truly the best solution.

Types of Dental Restorations

We also offer other types of dental restorations. If the damage is severe, the patient may need a greater level of protection. In this case, a dental crown is an ideal solution. A crown is a cap that surrounds the tooth. In this way, food and liquids will not be able to come in direct contact with the tooth, touching the crown instead. A dental crown allows the patient to bite down with force and to eat without feeling any discomfort or irritation.

We generally recommend this procedure when there is a chip in a back tooth. Otherwise, we can generally restore the front teeth using a dental veneer. While crowns are still an option, veneers are more common. A veneer is a thin porcelain shell that we bind to the surface of the tooth so more of the natural tooth structure can remain in place. As a result, if both solutions work equally well, we are more apt to recommend a veneer.

For smaller cracks and chips, we may be able to provide a patient with less invasive and faster dental restorations using bonding material. We can complete dental bonding in one visit without the need to remove any of the natural enamel. We roughen the tooth or teeth and then moisten them prior to placing bonding material. This material is tooth-colored so it will blend in with the surrounding teeth and not stand out in any way. We will shape it in place and then harden it using a special dental light. This makes it a popular solution for children and those in a hurry.

To learn more about our dental restorations or dental fillings, give us a call and schedule an appointment.

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov: